Fasting in Christianity

Not as strict as you might think: Even the Catholic Church no longer sees Lent so strictly. ... Traditionally, Catholics should not eat meat during Lent on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays. Only one main meal is allowed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Jill-Evelyn Hellwig
Kloster Maulbronn: Monastery of the year 2019

Since 2010, the State Palaces and Gardens of Baden-Württemberg have honored one of their monuments annually with the title “Monument of the Year”. This year the title goes to Maulbronn Monastery. On May 12, the award was celebrated together with the title of 25 years of UNESCO World Heritage with a spring festival.

Jill-Evelyn Hellwig
The pain of the times of change

The religious communities are in a crisis: More and more monasteries in Germany are empty and the number of members of the order is falling drastically. The number of nuns in this country fell by more than half between 1994 and 2014. Many convents have now left their traditional seats and joined forces with other monasteries.

Jill-Evelyn Hellwig